Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulun tunnus
Helsingin kaupungin tunnus

Re:start – Skills, Degrees and Work

Re:start – Skills, Degrees and Work

NB! Re:start has ended on 31.12.2020.
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Summary in English

”Re:start – Skills, degrees and work” is a project which aims to promote employment of young people under the age of 30. Young people in Helsinki, especially men, have a higher degree of interrupting their vocational studies and a lower degree of fulfilling their studies than young people in the rest of the country. The main target group are vocational school drop-outs or young people who have been excluded from education. The main target group also includes personnel of City of Helsinki and co-operation partners who will be trained as workplace tutors.

Re:start, in co-operation with working life, develops, tests and creates methods for reaching drop-outs or young people who are in danger to interrupt their studies, for supporting them, for motivating them to continue their studies, for completing their degrees and for helping them to find employment. The new structure, ”training agreement”, will be used and examined. Workplace tutoring will be developed to fulfil the needs of the target groups. The focus will be on creative fields, where the need for personal guidance and tutoring is emphasized. There is need to find tools and methods to minimize the load which guiding and tutoring produces. 

The aim is that young people complete their studies and degrees through a training agreement, as learning-by-doing, on creative field working places (City of Helsinki, companies). Paths to apprenticeship, work or higher education will be built for the young people.

Re:start will gather information on the effectiveness of the methods, of the practical implementation of the training agreement system, and of the changing demands of on-the-job learning and working life for further development, for decision-makers and the education sector. The results will be transferred to the practice after the project. Metropolia UAS plays a key role in developing workplace tutoring training packages and study modules for higher level education. The City of Helsinki has a need to ensure that its employees have skills to guide on-the-job learners. Private sector companies are open to new working methods. 

The project leader is Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The project is carried out in cooperation with the City of Helsinki (Stadin ammattiopisto (Vocational Institute), Culture and Leisure, Youth Employment Services) and creative field companies. The project is scheduled to begin in the autumn of 2018 and end in the end of 2020.


Project Manager

Antti-Veikko Salo
+358 50 306 9652

Project Coordinator

Leena Louhivuori
+358 41 512 1739

Education Coordinator

Arja Seppälä
+358 50 365 8176


Ari Matinmikko
+358 40 655 9901


Niikka Lius
+358 50 590 7099


Jarno Marjamäki
+358 40 637 4838

E-mail addresses: firstname.lastname